
i was a right turn away

from the place i lived

heading home after

a long day at work

but where i lived wasn’t home

so i kept driving

and i found myself

driving endlessly

going nowhere

in my car

following endless roads

with my music blasting

and the rain falling

a light drizzle

i felt comfort

i felt peace

even without a destination

the journey

the moving

the anticipation

was home


I’m going to need more gas money


i fall asleep on the way home

there is a moment in my life that my mind goes back to

whenever I have an episode of crushing anxiety

when the party is over and everyone has left

i go to back this moment

when I first moved out

in my first apartment

and the only furniture I had was this old twin bed


and i would fall asleep every night smothered in the fold of anxiety

in the loneliest, scariest time of my life

wondering if it will ever go away

struggling to breathe

and one day I fell asleep to a taylor swift song

called best day

and I woke up calm


in my room

with the old twin bed

in the empty apartment

sunlight streaming through the slightly open window

its beams of light dancing on the hardwood floor

the air cool but comfortable

my soul no longer twisted and knotted

i breathe normally

and I smile


it doesn’t make any sense

the normal breath

the calm

the taylor swift song


but i’ll take it

Home is where

September 15, 2017 9:31 PM

Dear Diary,

I’m home.

I was looking forward to it all week. Since I left last Friday.

I spent the weekend in Las Vegas for my friend’s Bachelorette party. It was fun. Of course I had fun. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. *wink* *wink* #VegasBaby

Just kidding. I’ll tell you exactly what happened in Vegas.

Why does everyone have flat stomachs other than me?

Why am I so FAT?

I wish I was pretty, then I can easily get into places like those people.

Person 1, 2, and 3 got hit on 5 times in the past hour but no one hit on me.

I should just get a nose job who cares if it doesn’t fit with my allnaturallovesherself dream character that I am trying to be.

Oh now your hitting on me after you went through all my friends. Bye.

Maybe your self consciousness is what’s making you look ugly.

Maybe you are just ugly and that’s okay because who cares right?

I need to lose weight right now, as of this second you are on a diet. Fruit ONLY!

I’m not ugly I’m average. And thats okay.

I mean its whats on the inside that counts right? Not everyone could be beautiful so I’m just gonna focus on being an intellectual and write inspiring things and make movies? Maybe one day.

I’m just going to be nothing and that’s okay too?


I’m gonna eat this cookie because I’m in Vegas and this is a free country.

I wish I can just make all this self deprecating brain activity stop.

My friend, the bride to be, looked absolutely stunning. I think she had a good time and that’s what matters.

Then I got on a plane to Minnesota for a work trip for the rest of the week.  Three years ago I went there to get trained and now I’m going there to help with training. Funny how that works.

I had fun.

And generally had a good idea of whats going on in the class. Which I believe is called a “good thing”.

The class even wrote and signed a Thank you card. How sweet! (feels wanted +1)

Now I’m back home. My sister and her boyfriend picked me up at the airport. I thought my sister would stay home with me and that we would catch up and that maybe we could watch the new season of Bojack Horseman together. I haven’t seen her in a week.

But she left.

Now I’m in an empty 2 bedroom home alone on a Friday night and it doesn’t feel like I thought home would feel.

And I have this feeling in my stomach. A feeling of queasiness and emptiness and I remember it from that horrible year when I left HOME (yes that home) and was alone for the first time and very sad and had horrible paniC atTAcKs the SqueeZE you so bad and so darkly that your not sure of anything anymore.

where is home