
i was a right turn away

from the place i lived

heading home after

a long day at work

but where i lived wasn’t home

so i kept driving

and i found myself

driving endlessly

going nowhere

in my car

following endless roads

with my music blasting

and the rain falling

a light drizzle

i felt comfort

i felt peace

even without a destination

the journey

the moving

the anticipation

was home


I’m going to need more gas money


i ache

deep in my belly

i ache

all in my body

as I lie still and unmoving


my head (aches)

natural form of self

i ache when i sit

and when i stand

i ache

in the early mornings

and the late evenings and

all the in betweens


i wonder if people will understand

that when i leave

it was the aches

im tired of the aches

please understand